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Before it Gets Better: The Short-Term Employment Costs of Regulatory Reforms (with A. Bassanini), Industrial and Labor Relations Review, published online. Supplementary web appendix. Previous working paper version


Does credit crunch investments down? New evidence on the real effects of the bank-lending channel, (with F. Manaresi and E. Sette), Review of Financial Studies (2016) 29 (10): 2737-2773


TrustFirm Organization and the Structure of Production (with P. Pinotti), Journal of International Economics, vol 100, May 2016, pagg. 1-13


Employment Protection Legislation, Capital Investment and Access to Credit: Evidence from Italy, (with M. Leonardi, J. Messina and G. Pica), Economic Journal, 126: 1798–1822


Public Policy and Resource Allocation: Evidence from Firms in OECD Countries, (with D. Andrews), Economic Policy, vol. 29, 2014, pp. 253-296. Supplementary web appendix


Politicians at work. The private returns and social costs of political connections, (with P. Pinotti), Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 11, Issue 2, 2013 pp. 1-32. Supplementary web appendix


People I Know: Job Search and Social Networks (with A. Rosolia), Journal of Labor Economics vol. 30(2), 2012, pp.291 – 332.


Service regulation and growth: evidence from OECD countries (with G.Barone), The Economic Journal, Vol. 121, Issue 555, 2011, pp. 931–957. Supplementary web appendix


The effects of employment protection legislation and financial market imperfections on investment: evidence from a firm-level panel of EU countries (with M. Leonardi, J. Messina, and G. Pica) Economic Policy, vol. 25, 2010, pp. 117-163.


Identifying the Sources of Local Productivity Growth,(with F.Schivardi), Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 2, Issue 4 – June 2004, Pages 720-742.


The private and social return to schooling in Italy (with A. Ciccone & P.Cipollone), Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, vol.63, n.3/4, 2004, pp. 413-444.


Returns to Specific Skills in Industrial DistrictsLabour Economics, Vol. 10, Issue 2 – April 2003, Pages 149-164.


Skills and Clusters (with A.Ciccone), in Broker, J; Dohse,D and R. Soltwedel R. (eds.) Innovation Clusters and Interregional CompetitionAdvances in Spatial Science, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2003



University Drop-out. The case of Italy, (with P.Cipollone) Temi di discussione (Economic working papers) 626, Bank of Italy, Economic Research Department (2007)


Regional Economic Growth and Income Inequality: Preliminary Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study, (with A.Brandolini, D.Jesuit, T.Smeeding) CESIFO Working Paper (2001)